Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Resolutions

So I think my three posts in a year is pretty sad. I want to fix that in 2012! As it's January first and sadly there are people who have already given up on their resolutions, I'm going to stay committed to mine and blog more! Keep me accountable. Here's my full list!
1. Get in Shape-I know this is the most common resolution but I really mean it. I started on this one back in August and have lost ten pounds. I just want to get really focused and committed. I got two pairs of sneakers and yoga pants for Christmas so I have to decided to live in the Student Rec Center this spring!
2. Blog More-I'm working on this already...Kudos to me!!
3. Stay Organized-I have my phases of organization. Then life gets hectic and it falls apart. This year I will stay organized at all times.
4. Save $1000.00-This is kind of a multi-part resolution. I want to kick my severe shopping addiction and I'm hoping by doing that I can get some money set aside for an apartment within a year.
5. Reach 150 Sales on Etsy-I had about fifty in my first year so I'm hoping to double that many in 2012.
I might end up with some resolution resolutions but I think that's a pretty sound list. What are you going to do better this year?

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